Needed Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor to Convert JSON: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Needed Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor to Convert JSON: A Step-by-Step Guide

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Are you struggling to convert JSON data in your NiFi processor? Look no further! In this article, we’ll take you through the process of using Jolt specification to convert JSON data in NiFi. We’ll cover the basics of Jolt, its benefits, and provide a step-by-step guide on how to use it in your NiFi processor.

What is Jolt Specification?

Jolt is a JSON to JSON transformation language that allows you to transform and convert JSON data in a flexible and efficient way. It’s a powerful tool that enables you to specify the structure and format of your output JSON data.

Benefits of Using Jolt Specification

  • Faster Development**: Jolt specification allows you to quickly define the structure of your output JSON data, making it faster to develop and deploy your NiFi processor.
  • Improved Flexibility**: Jolt provides a flexible way to transform JSON data, enabling you to adapt to changing data requirements with ease.
  • Enhanced Data Quality**: By using Jolt, you can ensure that your output JSON data is accurate, consistent, and well-formatted, improving overall data quality.

How to Use Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor

To use Jolt specification in your NiFi processor, follow these steps:

Step 1: Create a New NiFi Processor

Create a new NiFi processor by clicking on the “Processor” button in the NiFi interface and selecting “Json Converter” from the list of available processors.

Step 2: Configure the Json Converter Processor

Configure the Json Converter processor by specifying the input and output JSON data formats. You can do this by clicking on the “Properties” tab and entering the following details:

Property Value
Input JSON Data Format Json
Output JSON Data Format Json

Step 3: Define the Jolt Specification

Define the Jolt specification by clicking on the “Jolt Specification” tab and entering the following code:

  "operation": "shift",
  "spec": {
    "*": {
      "id": "&",
      "name": "&",
      "address": {
        "street": "&",
        "city": "&",
        "state": "&",
        "zip": "&"

This Jolt specification defines a simple transformation that extracts the “id”, “name”, and “address” fields from the input JSON data and formats them into a new JSON structure.

Step 4: Test the Json Converter Processor

Test the Json Converter processor by clicking on the “Apply” button and verifying that the output JSON data is correctly transformed.

Jolt Specification Syntax

Jolt specification uses a specific syntax to define the transformation rules. Here are some key elements of the Jolt specification syntax:


  • shift: Shifts the input JSON data to a new structure.
  • default: Sets a default value for a field if it’s missing in the input JSON data.
  • remove: Removes a field from the input JSON data.
  • rename: Renames a field in the input JSON data.


Jolt specification uses specifiers to define the transformation rules. Some common specifiers include:

  • *: Matches all fields in the input JSON data.
  • &: References the current field value.
  • @: Creates a new array or object.

Common Jolt Specification Scenarios

Here are some common Jolt specification scenarios:

Scenario 1: Extracting Specific Fields

Suppose you want to extract only the “id” and “name” fields from the input JSON data. You can use the following Jolt specification:

  "operation": "shift",
  "spec": {
    "id": "&",
    "name": "&"

Scenario 2: Flatten JSON Data

Suppose you want to flatten a nested JSON structure into a single-level JSON object. You can use the following Jolt specification:

  "operation": "shift",
  "spec": {
    "*": "&"

Scenario 3: Renaming Fields

Suppose you want to rename the “old_field” field to “new_field” in the input JSON data. You can use the following Jolt specification:

  "operation": "shift",
  "spec": {
    "old_field": "new_field"


In conclusion, Jolt specification is a powerful tool for converting JSON data in NiFi processor. By following the steps outlined in this article, you can easily define and use Jolt specification to transform your JSON data into the desired format. Remember to test your Jolt specification thoroughly to ensure that it meets your data requirements.

With Jolt specification, you can simplify your data processing workflow, improve data quality, and reduce development time. So, get started with Jolt specification today and take your data processing to the next level!


Q: What is the purpose of Jolt specification?

A: Jolt specification is used to transform and convert JSON data in NiFi processor.

Q: How do I define a Jolt specification?

A: You can define a Jolt specification by specifying the operation, specifiers, and transformation rules in a JSON object.

Q: What are some common Jolt specification scenarios?

A: Some common Jolt specification scenarios include extracting specific fields, flattening JSON data, and renaming fields.

Q: Can I use Jolt specification with other data formats?

A: No, Jolt specification is specifically designed for working with JSON data.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to supercharge your NiFi processor with the right Jolt specification to convert JSON like a pro!

What is Jolt Specification and why do I need it in NiFi?

Jolt Specification is a transformation language used in NiFi to manipulate and transform data. You need it to convert JSON data because it provides a flexible and efficient way to modify JSON structures, rename fields, and perform other data transformations. Without a Jolt Specification, your NiFi processor won’t know how to transform your JSON data, and you’ll be stuck with data that’s not in the desired format.

How do I specify the Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor?

To specify the Jolt Specification in NiFi Processor, you need to add a `JoltTransformRecord` processor to your NiFi flow. Then, in the processor’s configuration, you’ll specify the Jolt Specification in the `spec` property. You can write the Jolt Specification in the `spec` property using a JSON-like syntax. For example, if you want to rename a field `old_name` to `new_name`, your Jolt Specification would be `{“operation”: “shift”, “spec”: {“new_name”: {“$”: “old_name”}}}`.

What are the different types of Jolt Specifications available in NiFi?

NiFi supports three types of Jolt Specifications: `shift`, `default`, and `remove`. The `shift` operation allows you to rename fields, move fields around, and perform other structural changes. The `default` operation sets a default value for a field if it’s missing or null. The `remove` operation, as the name suggests, removes fields or values from the JSON data. Each operation has its own syntax and usage, so make sure to check the NiFi documentation for more details.

Can I test my Jolt Specification in NiFi before applying it to my flow?

Yes, you can test your Jolt Specification in NiFi using the `JoltTransformRecord` processor’s built-in testing feature. To do this, click the `Test` button in the processor’s configuration, and NiFi will allow you to input sample JSON data and test your Jolt Specification against it. This feature helps you validate your Jolt Specification before applying it to your production flow, ensuring that your data is transformed correctly.

What are some best practices for writing Jolt Specifications in NiFi?

When writing Jolt Specifications in NiFi, follow these best practices: keep your specifications simple and focused on a specific task, use meaningful variable names, and test your specifications thoroughly before applying them to your production flow. Additionally, consider using NiFi’s built-in support for Jolt Specification debugging, which allows you to step through your specification and identify any issues or errors. By following these best practices, you’ll write efficient, effective, and error-free Jolt Specifications.

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