Unraveling the Mystery of Numpy.polyfit: Slope and Y-Intercept Demystified
Image by Cor - hkhazo.biz.id

Unraveling the Mystery of Numpy.polyfit: Slope and Y-Intercept Demystified

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Numpy’s polyfit function is a powerful tool for fitting a polynomial to a set of data points, but its documentation can be misleading, leaving users confused about the returned values. The official documentation states that polyfit returns the coefficients of the fitted polynomial, but many users expect it to return the slope and y-intercept instead. In this article, we will delve into the inner workings of polyfit and explain how it returns a slope and y-intercept, despite its documentation saying otherwise.

The Documentation Conundrum

The numpy.polyfit documentation explicitly states that it returns the coefficients of the fitted polynomial, with the highest degree coefficient first. This can be misleading, as the coefficients do not directly translate to the slope and y-intercept that many users expect.

The polyfit Formula

The polyfit function uses the following formula to fit a polynomial to the data points:

x = coefficients[0] * x**degree + coefficients[1] * x**(degree-1) + … + coefficients[degree]

This formula reveals that the coefficients returned by polyfit are not directly related to the slope and y-intercept. So, how does polyfit return these values?

The Solution Lies in Linear Algebra

The key to understanding how polyfit returns the slope and y-intercept lies in linear algebra. The fitted polynomial can be represented as a linear combination of basis vectors. For a first-degree polynomial (a linear fit), the basis vectors are [x, 1].

Using this representation, the coefficients returned by polyfit can be transformed into the slope and y-intercept using the following formulas:

  • Slope: coefficients[0]
  • Y-intercept: coefficients[1]

These formulas reveal that the slope is the first coefficient, and the y-intercept is the second coefficient.

A Practical Example

To illustrate this concept, let’s consider a simple example:

x = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]

y = [2, 3, 5, 7, 11]

Using polyfit, we get:

coefficients = polyfit(x, y, 1)

print(coefficients) # Output: [1.8, 0.2]

Transforming these coefficients into the slope and y-intercept, we get:

Slope: 1.8

Y-intercept: 0.2

This example demonstrates how polyfit returns the slope and y-intercept, despite its documentation suggesting otherwise.


In conclusion, numpy’s polyfit function does return the slope and y-intercept, but not in the way that its documentation suggests. By understanding the linear algebra behind the polynomial fit, we can transform the coefficients returned by polyfit into the desired slope and y-intercept. With this knowledge, users can unlock the full potential of polyfit and gain insights into their data.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to unravel the mystery of numpy.polyfit and its documentation!

Q1: What does numpy.polyfit actually return?

numpy.polyfit returns the coefficients of a polynomial that best fits the given data. These coefficients are not exactly the slope and y-intercept we’re familiar with from linear algebra, but rather the coefficients of a polynomial in the order of degree, starting from the highest power. For example, if you fit a linear polynomial (degree 1) to your data, the returned coefficients would be [a, b] where the polynomial is y = ax + b. So, a is the slope and b is the y-intercept.

Q2: Why does the documentation say it returns coefficients in ascending order?

The documentation says that numpy.polyfit returns coefficients in ascending order because it’s a general-purpose function that can fit polynomials of any degree, not just linear polynomials. If you fit a quadratic polynomial (degree 2), the returned coefficients would be [c, b, a] where the polynomial is y = ax^2 + bx + c. In this case, the coefficients are in ascending order of power, from x^2 to x^0. This way, the function can handle polynomials of any degree, not just linear.

Q3: How can I get the slope and y-intercept from the returned coefficients?

Easy peasy! If you fit a linear polynomial (degree 1), the returned coefficients are [a, b] where a is the slope and b is the y-intercept. You can simply use these values as-is. If you fit a polynomial of higher degree, you’ll need to rearrange the coefficients to get the slope and y-intercept. For example, if you fit a quadratic polynomial (degree 2) and get coefficients [c, b, a], you’ll need to rearrange them to get the slope and y-intercept of the linear term.

Q4: Can I use numpy.polyfit to fit non-linear polynomials?

Yes, you can! numpy.polyfit can fit polynomials of any degree. Simply pass the degree of the polynomial as the second argument to the function. For example, to fit a quadratic polynomial, pass degree=2. Keep in mind that higher-degree polynomials can be sensitive to outliers and may not provide a good fit to your data.

Q5: Are there any alternatives to numpy.polyfit for linear regression?

Yes, there are! If you only need to perform linear regression, you can use the Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) function from the statsmodels library. This function returns the slope and intercept directly, making it a more straightforward option for linear regression. However, if you need to fit non-linear polynomials, numpy.polyfit is still a great option.

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