Mastering the Art of Changing and Deleting Class Instances with Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide
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Mastering the Art of Changing and Deleting Class Instances with Variables: A Step-by-Step Guide

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As a developer, you’re no stranger to the world of object-oriented programming, where classes and instances are the bread and butter of your coding journey. But have you ever stopped to think about the magic that happens when you reference and manipulate class instances through variables? In this article, we’ll dive deep into the world of changing and deleting instances of a class by referencing them through variables, and explore the creative possibilities that await you.

The Power of Variables in Class Instantiation

Before we dive into the nitty-gritty of changing and deleting class instances, let’s take a step back and revisit the basics of class instantiation. In most programming languages, you can create an instance of a class using the `new` keyword, like so:

class MyClass {
  constructor(name) { = name;

const myInstance = new MyClass("John Doe");

In this example, we create a class called `MyClass` with a constructor that takes a `name` parameter. We then create an instance of this class using the `new` keyword, passing in the string `”John Doe”` as an argument. The resulting instance is stored in the `myInstance` variable.

Referencing Class Instances through Variables

Now that we have an instance of our class stored in a variable, we can start to manipulate it using various methods and properties. But what happens when we want to change or delete the instance entirely? That’s where the true power of referencing class instances through variables comes in.

Let’s say we want to change the `name` property of our `myInstance` object. We can do so by simply assigning a new value to the `name` property, like this: = "Jane Doe";

Poof! Just like that, the `name` property of our `myInstance` object has been changed to `”Jane Doe”`. But what if we want to delete the instance altogether? That’s where things get a bit more interesting.

Deleting Class Instances with Variables

To delete a class instance referenced by a variable, you can simply assign a new value to the variable, like this:

myInstance = null;

By assigning `null` to the `myInstance` variable, we effectively “delete” the instance of our class, freeing up memory and resources. But be careful – this only works if the variable is the only reference to the instance. If you have multiple variables referencing the same instance, assigning `null` to one of them won’t delete the instance entirely.

To demonstrate this, let’s create another variable that references the same instance:

const myOtherInstance = myInstance;

Now, if we assign `null` to `myInstance`, the instance won’t be deleted, because `myOtherInstance` still holds a reference to it:

myInstance = null;
console.log(; // Output: "Jane Doe"

As you can see, the instance is still very much alive and kicking, even though we assigned `null` to `myInstance`. This is because `myOtherInstance` still holds a reference to the instance, preventing it from being garbage-collected.

Changing Class Instances with Variables: A Deeper Dive

Now that we’ve covered the basics of deleting class instances through variables, let’s explore the world of changing instances in more depth. As we saw earlier, we can change the properties of an instance by simply assigning new values to them. But what if we want to change the instance itself?

One way to change an instance is to re-assign a new instance to the variable. For example:

myInstance = new MyClass("New Name");

This creates a brand-new instance of our class, with the `name` property set to `”New Name”`. But what if we want to preserve the original instance, while still changing its properties? That’s where the power of methods comes in.

Let’s say we want to add a method to our class that changes the `name` property. We can do so by adding a `changeName` method to our class:

class MyClass {
  constructor(name) { = name;

  changeName(newName) { = newName;

Now, we can call the `changeName` method on our instance, passing in a new value for the `name` property:

myInstance.changeName("New Name");
console.log(; // Output: "New Name"

As you can see, the `name` property of our instance has been changed to `”New Name”`, while preserving the original instance.

Using Variables to Reference Multiple Instances

So far, we’ve only worked with a single instance of our class, referenced by a single variable. But what if we want to work with multiple instances, each referenced by its own variable? That’s where things get really interesting.

Let’s say we want to create an array of instances, each with its own unique properties:

const instances = [];

for (let i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
  instances.push(new MyClass(`Instance ${i+1}`));

Now, we have an array of 5 instances, each with its own `name` property. We can access and manipulate each instance individually using the array indices:

console.log(instances[0].name); // Output: "Instance 1"
instances[1].changeName("New Name");
console.log(instances[1].name); // Output: "New Name"

As you can see, we can use variables to reference multiple instances of our class, and manipulate them individually using methods and properties.

Best Practices for Working with Class Instances and Variables

As we've seen throughout this article, working with class instances and variables can be a powerful and flexible way to create and manipulate objects in your code. However, it's important to follow best practices to avoid common pitfalls and ensure your code is maintainable and efficient.

Here are a few best practices to keep in mind:

  • Use meaningful variable names**: Choose variable names that clearly indicate what the variable represents, such as `myInstance` or `instancesArray`.
  • Avoid global variables**: Try to avoid declaring variables in the global scope, as this can lead to naming conflicts and make your code harder to maintain.
  • Use const whenever possible**: Use the `const` keyword to declare variables that won't be reassigned, to prevent accidental changes to your instances.
  • Document your code**: Use comments and documentation to explain what your code is doing, and how it interacts with class instances and variables.


In this article, we've explored the world of changing and deleting class instances by referencing them through variables. We've seen how to create instances, change their properties, and delete them entirely – all using the power of variables. We've also covered best practices for working with class instances and variables, to ensure your code is maintainable and efficient.

By mastering the art of referencing class instances through variables, you'll be able to create more flexible, modular, and maintainable code that scales with your needs. So go forth, and start coding like a pro!

Keyword Definition
Instance An object created from a class, with its own set of properties and methods.
Variable A named storage location that holds a value, which can be changed during the execution of a program.
Class A blueprint or template that defines the properties and methods of an object.
  1. Assign a new value to a property of an instance using the dot notation.
  2. Use the `new` keyword to create a new instance of a class.
  3. Assign `null` to a variable to delete an instance, but be careful of multiple references.
  4. Use methods to change the properties of an instance, while preserving the original instance.
  5. Use variables to reference multiple instances, and manipulate them individually using methods and properties.
  6. Follow best practices for working with class instances and variables, such as using meaningful variable names and avoiding global variables.

I hope you've enjoyed this comprehensive guide to changing and deleting class instances by referencing them through variables. Happy coding!

Frequently Asked Question

Mastering the art of modifying instances of a class - the ultimate power move in programming! Get your questions answered and turbocharge your coding skills!

Q: Can I change an instance of a class by referencing it through a variable?

A: Absolutely! In most programming languages, you can modify an instance of a class by referencing it through a variable. Simply assign the new value to the variable, and the change will be reflected in the instance.

Q: What happens if I reassign a new value to the variable that references an instance of a class?

A: Ah, sneaky move! If you reassign a new value to the variable, you'll be creating a new instance of the class and assigning it to the variable. The original instance will remain unchanged, but the variable will now point to the new instance.

Q: How do I delete an instance of a class that's referenced by a variable?

A: Ah, the art of destruction! In languages like Python, you can use the `del` keyword to delete an instance of a class that's referenced by a variable. However, be cautious, as this will only delete the reference to the instance, not the instance itself.

Q: What's the difference between modifying an instance and modifying a variable that references an instance?

A: Excellent question! Modifying an instance means changing the internal state of the instance itself. Modifying a variable that references an instance means changing the value of the variable, which might or might not affect the instance. Think of it like a label on a folder - changing the label doesn't change the contents of the folder!

Q: Are there any languages that don't allow changing or deleting instances of a class through variables?

A: Ah, yes! Some languages, like Rust, have a concept of ownership and borrowing, which can restrict how you modify instances of a class through variables. Additionally, languages like Haskell, which are purely functional, might not allow modifying instances at all!