The Mysterious Case of the Memcache SET Command: Why it Won’t Work on Localhost but Works from Remote Machines
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The Mysterious Case of the Memcache SET Command: Why it Won’t Work on Localhost but Works from Remote Machines

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If you’re reading this, chances are you’re frustrated. You’ve spent hours trying to get the Memcache SET command to work on your localhost, but to no avail. It’s as if your local machine is resisting your every attempt to store data in Memcache. But, when you try the same command from a remote machine, voilà! It works like a charm. What’s going on here?

The Basics: Understanding Memcache and the SET Command

Before we dive into the mystery, let’s quickly refresh our understanding of Memcache and the SET command.

What is Memcache?

Memcache is a high-performance, distributed memory object caching system. It’s a way to speed up your application by storing frequently accessed data in RAM, reducing the number of database queries. Memcache is often used in web applications to cache database results, reducing the load on the database and improving response times.

The SET Command: A Brief Introduction

The SET command is used to store data in Memcache. The basic syntax is:

memc set key expiration_time bytes


  • key is the unique identifier for the data
  • expiration_time is the time, in seconds, until the data expires
  • bytes is the length of the data
  • data is the actual data to be stored

The Problem: Memcache SET Command Won’t Work on Localhost

Now, let’s get back to the problem at hand. You’ve installed Memcache, configured it correctly, and written the correct SET command. But, when you run the command on your localhost, it doesn’t work. You’ve checked the Memcache logs, and there’s no indication of any errors. It’s as if the command is being ignored.

The Twist: It Works from a Remote Machine!

But, when you try the same command from a remote machine, it works flawlessly. You’re left scratching your head, wondering what’s going on. Is it a configuration issue? A firewall problem? Or is Memcache just playing a cruel joke on you?

The Solution: Uncovering the Culprit

After hours of digging, you’ve finally found the solution. The problem lies in the way you’re connecting to Memcache from your localhost.

The Culprit: localhost vs

When you’re connecting to Memcache from your localhost, you’re likely using the “localhost” hostname. However, Memcache treats “localhost” as a special case. It assumes that if you’re connecting from localhost, you’re connecting from the same machine that’s running Memcache.

This leads to a problem when you’re trying to use the SET command. Memcache thinks that the connection is coming from the same machine, and therefore, it ignores the SET command. This is a security feature to prevent Memcache from being manipulated by malicious scripts on the same machine.

The solution is to use the IP address instead of “localhost” when connecting to Memcache from your localhost. This tells Memcache that the connection is coming from a separate entity, and it will treat the SET command as a legitimate request.

A Step-by-Step Guide to Fixing the Issue

Follow these steps to fix the issue and get the Memcache SET command working on your localhost:

  1. Update Your Memcache Configuration

    Edit your Memcache configuration file (usually located at /etc/memcached.conf or /etc/memcache.conf) and make sure it’s listening on the correct IP address:


    This tells Memcache to listen on the IP address.

  2. Update Your Application Code

    In your application code, update the Memcache connection string to use instead of “localhost”. For example, in PHP:

    $memcache = new Memcache;
    $memcache->connect('', 11211);

    Replace “localhost” with “” in your connection string.

  3. Test the SET Command

    Try running the SET command again using the updated connection string:

    memc set my_key 0 0 5
    Hello World

    This should successfully store the data in Memcache.

Common Pitfalls to Avoid

While fixing the issue, you might encounter some common pitfalls that can lead to frustration. Avoid these common mistakes:

  • Using the wrong IP address: Make sure you’re using instead of “localhost” in your connection string.

  • Firewall issues: Ensure that the Memcache port (usually 11211) is open and not blocked by your firewall.

  • Memcache version issues: Ensure that you’re running a compatible version of Memcache. Some older versions might have issues with the SET command.

  • Connection timeouts: Make sure your Memcache connection timeout is set correctly to avoid connection issues.


The Memcache SET command not working on localhost but working from a remote machine can be a frustrating issue. However, by understanding the underlying cause and following the step-by-step guide, you can fix the issue and get Memcache working correctly on your localhost. Remember to avoid common pitfalls and ensure that your Memcache configuration and application code are correct.

Keyword Description
Memcache A high-performance, distributed memory object caching system
SET Command A command used to store data in Memcache
localhost A hostname used to refer to the local machine The IP address used to connect to Memcache from localhost

By following this guide, you’ll be able to overcome the mysterious case of the Memcache SET command and get Memcache working correctly on your localhost.

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to uncover the mysteries of Memcache’s SET command and its curious behavior on localhost and remote machines!

Why does the Memcache SET command work from a remote machine but not on localhost?

This might be due to the fact that the Memcache server is not properly configured to listen on the loopback interface (localhost). Make sure that the Memcache server is listening on both the external IP address and the loopback address ( You can check this by running the command “netstat -tlnp | grep memcached” to verify that Memcache is listening on both interfaces.

Is it possible that the issue is related to the Memcache client library?

Yes, it’s possible! The Memcache client library might be configured to use a different server or port when connecting from localhost. Check your client library configuration to ensure that it’s pointing to the correct Memcache server and port. You can also try using a different client library or connecting to Memcache using the telnet command to isolate the issue.

Could firewall rules be blocking the connection to Memcache on localhost?

Firewall rules can definitely be the culprit! Check your system’s firewall settings to ensure that the Memcache port (usually 11211) is allowed for incoming and outgoing connections on localhost. You can temporarily disable the firewall to test if it’s the cause of the issue. If you’re using a Linux system, you can use the command “iptables -A INPUT -p tcp –dport 11211 -j ACCEPT” to allow incoming connections on the Memcache port.

Is it possible that the Memcache server is running under a different user or permissions on localhost?

Yes, that’s a possibility! If the Memcache server is running under a different user or permissions on localhost, it might cause issues with the SET command. Check the Memcache server’s running user and permissions to ensure they match the ones used when connecting from the remote machine. You can use the command “ps aux | grep memcached” to check the running user and permissions.

Are there any other common issues that could cause the Memcache SET command to fail on localhost?

Yes, there are a few other common issues to consider. For example, ensure that the Memcache server is properly initialized and started on localhost. Also, check the Memcache server’s logs for any error messages or warnings. Additionally, verify that the Memcache client library is properly installed and configured on the localhost machine.