How Do I Float XML Normally with a Window Manager?
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How Do I Float XML Normally with a Window Manager?

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Are you tired of struggling with XML layouts in your window manager? Do you want to create a seamless and intuitive user experience? Look no further! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take you by the hand and walk you through the process of floating XML normally with a window manager.

What is XML and Why Do We Need to Float It?

XML (Extensible Markup Language) is a markup language used to store and transport data in a format that’s both human-readable and machine-readable. In the context of window managers, XML is often used to define the layout and structure of graphical user interfaces (GUIs). However, by default, XML elements are rendered as blocks, which can be limiting when it comes to creating complex and dynamic interfaces.

That’s where floating XML comes in. By floating XML elements, we can create a more flexible and responsive layout that adapts to the user’s needs. But how do we do it? That’s what we’ll cover in the next section.

Floating XML with a Window Manager: The Basics

  1. Create a new XML file or edit an existing one using your preferred text editor or IDE.

  2. Define the root element of your XML file using the <window> tag.

  3. Add the float attribute to the root element and set its value to true.

  4. Wrap the contents of your XML file in a <container> tag.

  5. Use the <float> tag to wrap individual XML elements that you want to float.

Here’s an example of what your XML file might look like:

<window xmlns=""
      <element>This is a floating element!</element>

Understanding XML Attributes and Properties

In the previous example, we used the float attribute to enable floating for the root element. But what are XML attributes, and how do they differ from properties?

XML attributes are used to provide additional information about an element, whereas properties are used to define the element’s behavior or appearance. In the context of floating XML, attributes are used to enable or disable floating, while properties are used to fine-tune the appearance and behavior of floating elements.

Attribute/Property Description
float Enables or disables floating for an element
float-x Specifies the x-coordinate of the floating element
float-y Specifies the y-coordinate of the floating element
float-width Specifies the width of the floating element
float-height Specifies the height of the floating element

While the basic principles of floating XML remain the same across different window managers, there are some subtle differences and nuances to be aware of. In this section, we’ll cover how to float XML with some popular window managers:

Floating XML with Awesome WM

<awesomewm> namespace and enable floating using the awesomewm.floating attribute.

<window xmlns=""
      <element>This is a floating element in Awesome WM!</element>

Floating XML with i3 WM

i3 WM is a lightweight and efficient window manager that’s designed for power users. To float XML with i3 WM, you’ll need to use the <i3> namespace and enable floating using the i3.floating attribute.

<window xmlns=""
      <element>This is a floating element in i3 WM!</element>

Floating XML with XFCE

XFCE is a lightweight and user-friendly window manager that’s designed for general-purpose computing. To float XML with XFCE, you’ll need to use the <xfc> namespace and enable floating using the xfc.floating attribute.

<window xmlns=""
      <element>This is a floating element in XFCE!</element>

Tips and Tricks for Floating XML

Floating XML can be a powerful tool for creating dynamic and responsive interfaces, but it requires some finesse and attention to detail. Here are some tips and tricks to help you get the most out of floating XML:

  • Use the float-margin attribute to specify the margin around the floating element.

  • Use the float-padding attribute to specify the padding around the floating element.

  • Use the float-center attribute to center the floating element horizontally or vertically.

  • Use the float-align attribute to specify the alignment of the floating element (e.g., left, right, top, bottom).

  • Use the float-grid attribute to specify the grid layout for the floating element.


Floating XML is a powerful tool for creating dynamic and responsive interfaces with window managers. By following the steps and tips outlined in this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating stunning and intuitive interfaces that delight your users. Remember to experiment with different attributes and properties to achieve the desired look and feel, and don’t be afraid to get creative and push the limits of what’s possible with floating XML!

And there you have it, folks! With this comprehensive guide, you should now be able to float XML normally with a window manager. Happy coding, and see you in the next tutorial!

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble making your XML float smoothly with a window manager? Worry not, friend! We’ve got you covered with these frequently asked questions!

What’s the secret to making my XML file play nice with my window manager?

The magic lies in using the correct window manager attributes! Make sure to add the `wm_class` and `wm_name` attributes to your XML file, and you’ll be floating in no time!

How do I specify the window manager rules for my XML file?

Easy peasy! You can specify the rules by adding the `window_manager` attribute to your XML file and defining the rules within it. For example, you can use `window_manager=”kwin”` to specify the KDE window manager. Voilà!

What’s the deal with floating mode? How do I enable it for my XML file?

Floating mode is where it’s at! To enable it, simply add the `floating_mode` attribute to your XML file and set it to `true`. This will allow your XML file to float freely, untethered from the shackles of traditional window management!

Can I customize the appearance of my floating XML file?

You bet your pixels you can! You can customize the appearance of your floating XML file by adding CSS styles to your XML file. Just use the `style` attribute to define your styles, and you’ll be floating in style in no time!

What if I’m still having trouble making my XML file float with my window manager?

Don’t worry, friend! If you’re still having trouble, it’s likely due to a minor misunderstanding. Double-check your XML file for any syntax errors, and make sure you’ve added the necessary attributes. If all else fails, consult the documentation for your window manager or seek help from a fellow developer!