How do I change the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?
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How do I change the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?

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Are you tired of the default blue background that appears when you scroll beyond the content area on iOS devices? Do you want to add a personal touch to your website or app by customizing the background image for overflow scrolling? Look no further! In this article, we’ll guide you through the process of changing the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices.

Table of Contents

Why is this important?

Customizing the background image for overflow scrolling is crucial for several reasons:

  • Branding consistency**: By changing the default background image, you can maintain consistency with your brand’s visual identity, creating a cohesive user experience.
  • User engagement**: A customized background image can enhance the overall aesthetic appeal of your website or app, encouraging users to explore more.
  • Accessibility**: For users with visual impairments, a clear and distinct background image can improve readability and accessibility.

How to change the background image

Changing the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices requires a combination of CSS and some clever trickery. Let’s dive into the step-by-step process:

  1. Create a new CSS rule: Add the following CSS code to your stylesheet:

    ::-webkit-scrollbar {
      background-image: url('your-image-url.png');
      background-size: cover;

    Replace ‘your-image-url.png’ with the URL of your desired background image.

  2. Target iOS devices specifically: Since we want to target iOS devices, we need to use the `-webkit-scrollbar` pseudo-element. This is because iOS devices use the WebKit rendering engine, which supports this pseudo-element.

  3. Use the `background-image` property: This property allows us to set the background image for the scrollbar.

  4. Specify the `background-size` property: By setting `background-size` to `cover`, we ensure that the background image covers the entire scrollbar area.

Troubleshooting common issues

While implementing the above code, you might encounter some issues. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Issue Solution
The background image doesn’t display Ensure that the image URL is correct and the image is accessible. Also, check if the image is in the correct format (e.g., PNG or JPG).
The background image is stretched or distorted Adjust the `background-size` property to `contain` or `auto` to maintain the image’s aspect ratio.
The background image affects other elements on the page Use the `::-webkit-scrollbar` pseudo-element in combination with a container element (e.g., `div`) to scope the styles to the scrollbar only.

Additional tips and tricks

Here are some extra tips to take your customization to the next level:

  • Use a repeating pattern: If you want to create a seamless background, use a repeating pattern (e.g., a texture or gradient). This will ensure that the image doesn’t tile awkwardly.

  • Experiment with different image sizes: Try using different image sizes to see what works best for your design. A larger image might provide a more immersive experience, while a smaller image might be more suitable for a subtle effect.

  • Combine with other CSS effects: Get creative by combining the background image with other CSS effects, such as gradients, shadows, or animations, to create a unique user experience.


With these simple steps and tips, you can now customize the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices, enhancing the user experience and reinforcing your brand’s identity. Remember to test your implementation on different iOS devices and versions to ensure compatibility and consistency.

By following this guide, you’ll be well on your way to creating a visually stunning and engaging mobile experience that sets your website or app apart from the rest.

So, what are you waiting for? Get creative and start customizing those scrollbars today!

Frequently Asked Question

Get ready to master the art of customizing the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices!

Why does the background image on iOS devices look weird when I scroll?

That’s because iOS devices have a default background image for overflow scrolling, which can clash with your design. But don’t worry, we’ve got the fix!

How do I change the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?

To change the background image, you’ll need to add the `-webkit-overflow-scrolling` property to your CSS and set it to `touch`. Then, add a `background-image` property to the element with the overflow scrolling. Voilà!

What is the best way to set the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?

For the best results, set the background image to a fixed element or the `body` element, and make sure to add the `-webkit-overflow-scrolling` property to the element with the overflow scrolling. This will ensure that the background image stays put while scrolling!

Can I use a CSS gradient as the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices?

Yes, you can! Just add the gradient code to the `background-image` property, and make sure to add the `-webkit-overflow-scrolling` property to the element with the overflow scrolling. However, keep in mind that iOS devices might not support complex gradients, so keep it simple and sweet!

Will changing the background image for overflow scrolling on iOS devices affect the performance of my website?

In most cases, changing the background image won’t significantly affect the performance of your website. However, if you’re using a large or complex image, it might slow down the scrolling performance. So, keep your image light and optimized for the best user experience!