Github Prohibits Me From Pushing Code to My Remote Fork: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving the Issue
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Github Prohibits Me From Pushing Code to My Remote Fork: The Ultimate Guide to Resolving the Issue

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Are you stuck in a frustrating cycle where Github is preventing you from pushing code to your remote fork? Don’t worry, you’re not alone! In this comprehensive guide, we’ll delve into the possible reasons behind this error and provide step-by-step solutions to get you back on track.

Understanding the Problem

When you attempt to push code to your remote fork on Github, you might encounter an error message like this:

remote: Permission to [your-username]/[your-repo-name].git denied to [your-username].
fatal: unable to access '[your-username]/[your-repo-name].git/': The requested URL returned error: 403

This error typically occurs when Github’s security measures kick in, restricting your access to the remote fork. But fear not, we’ll explore the common causes and fixes for this issue.

Reason 1: Insufficient Permissions

One of the most common reasons behind this error is a lack of necessary permissions to push code to the remote fork. This might happen if:

  • You’re trying to push code to someone else’s repository.
  • You’re using a forked repository with insufficient access rights.

To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Check if you have the necessary permissions to push code to the remote fork. If not, request the repository owner to grant you the required access.
  2. If you’re using a forked repository, ensure you have forked the repository correctly and have the necessary permissions to push code to your fork.

Reason 2: Two-Factor Authentication Issues

If you’ve enabled Two-Factor Authentication (2FA) on your Github account, it might interfere with your push attempts. Here’s how to troubleshoot:

  • Verify that you’ve correctly set up 2FA on your Github account.
  • Ensure that you’re using the correct 2FA token when pushing code.

To fix the issue, try the following:

  1. Disable 2FA temporarily to see if it resolves the issue.
  2. Check your 2FA token and ensure it’s correct.
  3. Regenerate a new 2FA token and update your credentials.

Reason 3: SSH Key Issues

SSH key issues can also prohibit you from pushing code to your remote fork. Here’s what to do:

Check your SSH key configuration:

  • Verify that your SSH key is correctly configured on your local machine.
  • Ensure that your SSH key is added to your Github account.

To resolve the issue:

  1. Generate a new SSH key pair using a tool like ssh-keygen.
  2. Add the new SSH key to your Github account.
  3. Update your local SSH configuration to use the new key.

Reason 4: Repository Settings

Sometimes, repository settings can restrict your ability to push code to the remote fork. Check if:

  • The repository has branch restrictions in place.
  • The repository has push restrictions based on user or team permissions.

To resolve the issue:

  1. Check the repository settings to see if there are any branch or push restrictions in place.
  2. Request the repository owner to update the settings to allow you to push code.

Reason 5: Network Issues

Network connectivity issues can also cause problems when pushing code to your remote fork. To troubleshoot:

  • Check your internet connection to ensure it’s stable.
  • Verify that your firewall or proxy settings aren’t blocking the connection.

To resolve the issue:

  1. Check your network connection and ensure it’s stable.
  2. Disable any firewalls or proxy settings that might be interfering with the connection.
  3. Try pushing code again to see if the issue is resolved.

Troubleshooting Tips

In addition to the solutions above, here are some general troubleshooting tips to help you resolve the issue:

  • Verify that you’re using the correct URL for your remote fork.
  • Check your Git configuration to ensure it’s set up correctly.
  • Try pushing code using a different protocol, such as SSH instead of HTTPS.
  • Clear your Git cache and try pushing code again.
  • Contact Github support or the repository owner for further assistance.


Getting stuck with the “Github prohibits me from pushing code to my remote fork” error can be frustrating, but by following the steps outlined in this guide, you should be able to resolve the issue and get back to coding. Remember to check permissions, 2FA settings, SSH key configuration, repository settings, and network issues. If you’re still stuck, don’t hesitate to reach out for further assistance.

Reason Solution
Insufficient Permissions Check permissions, request access, or fork the repository correctly
Two-Factor Authentication Issues Disable 2FA, check token, or regenerate a new token
SSH Key Issues Generate new SSH key, add to Github, and update local config
Repository Settings Check repository settings, request changes, or update settings
Network Issues Check network connection, disable firewalls/proxy, and try again

By following this comprehensive guide, you’ll be well on your way to resolving the “Github prohibits me from pushing code to my remote fork” error and getting back to developing with ease.

Frequently Asked Question

Having trouble pushing code to your remote fork on Github? Don’t worry, we’ve got you covered! Here are some common issues and their solutions:

Why does Github prohibit me from pushing code to my remote fork?

Github might prohibit you from pushing code to your remote fork if your fork is outdated or if you’re trying to push changes to a protected branch. Make sure to update your fork by pulling the latest changes from the original repository, and then try pushing your changes again.

How do I update my fork on Github?

To update your fork, navigate to your repository on Github and click on the “New pull request” button. Then, select the original repository as the base repository and your fork as the head repository. Create a pull request to merge the changes into your fork, and then merge the pull request to update your fork.

What if I’m trying to push changes to a protected branch?

If you’re trying to push changes to a protected branch, you’ll need to either disable branch protection or create a new branch with a different name. You can also create a pull request to get your changes reviewed and approved before merging them into the protected branch.

How do I disable branch protection on Github?

To disable branch protection on Github, navigate to your repository settings, click on “Branches” and then select the protected branch. Click on the “Edit” button and uncheck the “Protected” checkbox. Be careful, as disabling branch protection can put your repository at risk!

What if I’m still having trouble pushing code to my remote fork?

If you’re still having trouble, try checking your Git credentials, ensuring you have the necessary permissions, and verifying that your local repository is up-to-date. If none of these solutions work, feel free to reach out to Github support for further assistance!

I hope these questions and answers help you troubleshoot the issue and get back to coding in no time!